MODULE #1: LEARN about Equity-centered Transformative Technology 

Link to Module 1 slides
Link to MTEs’ Module 1 Teacher Notes 

Copy of Module 1: Student e-Notebook

Video Overview: Module 1 Overview

Activity 1: Learn through reading and reflecting 

Students will read and reflect on how technology’s affordances can amplify learning

Activity 2: Learn through exploration (Tinker with Technology)

Students will explore technology tools from a student perspective

Activity 3: Learn from reflecting on exemplars using the Equity-centered Transformative Technology (EQTTech) Lesson Analysis Tool Students will examine two exemplar lessons using the two lessons explored in Activity 2 and how they meet dimensions laid out in the EQTTech Tool

Students will complete an exit pass reflecting on how the activities promote the dimensions in the EQTTechTool.



Eight teaching-practices-equitable-teaching

Primary Grade Sample with Seesaw Repeating Pattern  Growing Pattern

Upper Grade Sample with Desmos

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