Use of the Equity-centered Transformative Technology (EQTtech) Lesson Analysis Tool to bring Intentionality in Equitable Mathematics Instruction

In these modules, teachers will learn how to design, plan instruction and assess using a technology integrated in mathematics lesson grounded in equity centered practices and asset-oriented instruction.

  1. Content for page from “View Materials” link:
  2. Project information  (content below is in the “Project Information” file)

Equity-centered Transformative Technology is a set of modules designed to engage elementary teacher candidates (TCs) with deliberate decision-making around lesson development using technological tools, keeping equitable instructional practices at the forefront.

Evolution of  Equity-centered Transformative Technology 

A decade ago, the first author wrote an article called Tech-knowledgy for Diverse Learners for a Technology Focus Issue in the  Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School in Mathematics Education (Suh, 2010a). This article focused on leveraging cognitive tech tools for mathematics teaching and learning. Specifically, the article recommended strategies for teachers to consider the needs of diverse learners and be equipped to support their learning by taking advantage of technology’s affordances. Most importantly, teachers must have “tech-knowledgy”: the knowledge necessary to use cognitive tech tools effectively to construct mathematical knowledge, evaluate the mathematical opportunities presented, and design learning tasks with these tools that amplify the mathematics for their diverse learners.

Using case studies, Suh(2010b) described  technology-enhanced mathematics lessons in two diverse fifth and sixth grade classrooms at a Title I elementary school near the metropolitan area. The project’s primary goal was to design tasks to both leverage technology and enhance access to critical thinking in mathematics, particularly with data analysis and probability concepts. This paper highlights the opportunities in technology-rich mathematics environments. In addition, the case studies illustrate how to design and implement mathematical tasks using technology to provide opportunities for higher mathematical thinking processes as defined by the Process Standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM, 2000): problem solving, connections, representations, communication, reasoning and proof.

Recent Design and Development Cycle in Math Methods Courses 

The integration of technology in the mathematics classroom has always been a key focus for math teacher education (AMTE standards). Recently, there is a call for MTEs to utilize more common language and core practices (McDonald et al., 2013) around ambitious teaching.  MTEs have strived to design practice-based assignments to promote ambitious mathematics teaching (Lampert et al., 2013) as well as ambitious teaching integrating technology in mathematics lessons (Suh, 2016). In the past two years, the authors (Dr. Jennifer Suh, Dr. Kimberly Morrow-Leong and and two mathematics coaches, Holly Tate and Kate Roscioli) have been refining this set of modules as a reflective tool to center equity when planning for a tech-enhanced lesson. 

Documents for Mathematics Teacher Educators

The section below will describe the set of teaching activities and a lesson reflection tool to promote the centering of equitable teaching practices in mathematics. There are links for each of the modules below. In addition, these modules are archived with sample student work at 

Description of Equity-centered Transformative Technology 

Description of Modules
In these modules, teachers will learn how to design, plan instruction and assess learning using a technology-integrated mathematics lesson that is grounded in equity-centered practices and asset-oriented instruction.

One of the key instructional tools is the Equity-centered Transformative Technology (EQTtech) Lesson Analysis Tool. The tool builds on the seminar work on technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPACK, Koehler et al., 2011; Mishra et al., 2006) and considers how technology can support equitable teaching practices (Aguirre et al., 2013). We included the term transformative to lean into the idea of Transformative Potential (Jemal 2017). Transformative potential is defined as levels of consciousness and action that produce the potential to transform contextual factors and relationships perpetuating inequitable conditions and that are necessary for change (Jemal, 2017a). The goal of the tool is to develop teachers’ awareness and action to bring equity to the forefront in the use of technology in the mathematics classroom. 


Transformative Digital Technology for Equity Feedback Tool (PDF)

Google Form Version that can be copied and used with teachers

 Equity-centered Transformative Technology 

Module 1:Learn about Equity-centered Transformative Technology 

Link to Module 1 slides
Link to MTEs’ Module 1 Teacher Notes 

Copy of Module 1: Student e-Notebook

Video Overview: Module 1 Overview

Overview of Learning Activities

Activity 1: Learn through reading and reflecting 

  1. Students will read and reflect on how technology’s affordances can amplify learning

Activity 2: Learn through exploration (Tinker with Technology)

  1. Students will explore technology tools from a student perspective

Activity 3: Learn from reflecting on exemplars using the Equity-centered Transformative Technology (EQTTech) Lesson Analysis Tool Students will examine two exemplar lessons using the two lessons explored in Activity 2 and how they meet dimensions laid out in the Tech-knowledgy for Equity Planning and Reflection Tool

  1. Students will complete an exit pass reflecting on how the activities promote the dimensions in the EQTTechTool.

Module 2: Explore Instructional Activities for Equity-centered Transformative Technology

Link to  Module 2 Slides
Link to  MTEs’ Module 2 Teacher Notes

Copy of Module 2: Student e-notebook

Overview of Learning Activities

Activity 1: Explore with technology tools

  1. Students will investigate different types of technology based on the Dimension for Equity-centered Transformative Technology

Activity 2: Explore through learning goals

  1. Students will identify the learning goal for a mathematics lesson and use curricular resources (i.e. methods text) and consider the learning progression as they explore some technology activities

Activity 3: Explore through learning activities

  1. Students will identify three learning activities focused on a mathematics concept that they are teaching and assessing

Module #3: Plan for Enactment 

Link to Module 3 Slides 

Link to MTEs’ Module 3 Teacher Notes

Copy for Module 3: Student e-notebook

Implementing Instructional Activities for Math Tech-knowledgy for Equity

Overview of Learning Activities

Activity 1: Plan for teaching

Students will teach their lesson with the Transformative reflective tool in mind

Activity 2: Plan for assessment

Students will collect student artifacts from their lessons and analyze the learning

Activity 3: Plan for what might be next for self and students

Students will reflect on their lesson through written reflection 

Module #4: Reflect & Report OUt 

Link to Module 4 Slides

Link to MTE’s Module 4 Teacher Notes

Copy of Module 4: Student Share out Template

Online Teaching Demo using Flipgrid or Video ShareOut celebrating student thinking

using the learning trajectory they mapped out in anticipation for the lesson or assessment, teacher candidates can use student work to highlight and celebrate the strength in student work and plan how they can advance their thinking along the learning continuum.

Copy of Student Share Out Slide Template Module #4

Overview of Learning Activities

Activity 1:   Reflect through student work analysis and showcase student artifacts on a slide deck (use Template slides for Module 4)  to share out their learning

Activity 2: Reflect through the  Equity-centered Transformative Technology Lesson Analysis Tool. Students will apply principles from the Equity-centered Transformative Technology Lesson Analysis Tool 

Activity 3: Reflect through telling a story of celebration of student work

  1. Students will design slides showcasing student work and annotate the strengths seen in their thinking
  2. Students will use the reflective tool to create a narrative for their Lesson Story on Flipgrid

Data-based findings and Next Steps for Equity-centered Transformative Technology 

We have found that by using the Equity-centered Transformative Technology Lesson Analysis Tool in our method courses, our PSTs are becoming more intentional with their choice of technology tool, as evidenced by their lessons, teaching demos, and reflections. As they examine transformative technology using these dimensions, PSTs have an equity-focused lens for planning and evaluating how they can position their students as mathematicians who have a voice and can better ensure equitable ownership of ideas, encouraging justification and positioning every student as a creator of mathematical knowledge. As we move back to face-to-face teaching, we want to contribute to the field by taking stock of what we learned during the pandemic and furthering our studies on how emerging technology has the potential to transform our classrooms to be more equity-centered.

(content below found in “Standards and Indicators” file)

Standards and Indicators These Materials Target

The modules serve as a  structure to support TCs during their elementary math methods course in learning to teach  mathematics through iterative opportunities across the duration of several weeks working  directly with an elementary student. Thus addressing Standard P.3. Opportunities to Learn to Teach Mathematics. Additionally, the program meets indicators within Standard P.4 Opportunities to Learn in Clinical Settings Standard P.5 Recruitment and Retention of Teacher Candidates.

Below is a description of connections to key indicators within the standards.

  • Indicator P.3.2. Provide Foundations of Knowledge About Students as Mathematics Learners
  • Indicator P.3.4. Incorporate Practice-Based Experiences. As described Indicator P.4.1 Collaboratively Develop and Enact Clinical Experiences. The program is mostly  embedded in and done in collaboration with local public school districts. 
  • Indicator P.4.2. Sequence School-Based Experiences. 
  • Indicator P.4.3 Provide Teaching Experiences with Diverse Learners. 

About the Authors

Jennifer Suh

Kate Roscioli

Holly Tate 

Kimberly Morrow-Leong


Aguirre, J. M., Mayfield-Ingram, K., & Martin, D. B. (2013). The Impact of identity in K-8 mathematics: Rethinking equity-based practices. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 

Barlow, A., Edwards, C. M., Robichaux-Davis,, R., & Sears, R. (2020). Enhancing and Transforming Virtual Instruction, Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 113(12), 972-982. Retrieved Jul 27, 2021. Link  

Korbett, B. M., & Karp, K. S. (2020). Strengths-based teaching and learning in mathematics: Five teaching turnarounds for grades K–6. Corwin.

Lampert, M., Franke, M. L., Kazemi, E., Ghousseini, H., Turrou, A. C., Beasley, H., & Crowe, K. (2013). Keeping it complex: Using rehearsals to support novice teacher learning of ambitious teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 64(3), 226–243. 2473837

McDonald, M., Kazemi, E., & Kavanagh, S. S. (2013). Core Practices and Pedagogies of Teacher Education: A Call for a Common Language and Collective Activity. Journal of Teacher Education, 64(5), 378–386.

Suh, J.M. (2010a). Tech-knowledgy for diverse learners [Technology Focus Issue]. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 15(8), 440-447. Link

Suh, J.M. (2010b). Leveraging cognitive technology tools to expand opportunities for critical thinking on data analysis and probability in elementary classrooms. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 29(3), 289-302. Link 

Suh, J.M. (2016). Ambitious teaching: Designing practice-based assignments for integrating virtual manipulatives into mathematics lessons. In P. Moyer-Packenham (Ed.), Mathematics Education in the Digital Era: International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Virtual Manipulatives,  301-321. Link