Module #4: Reflect and showcase Equity Centered Transformative technology

Link to Module 4 Slides

Link to MTE’s Module 4 Teacher Notes

Copy of Module 4: Student Share out Template


Online Teaching Demo using Flipgrid or Video ShareOut celebrating student thinking

using the learning trajectory they mapped out in anticipation for the lesson or assessment, teacher candidates can use student work to highlight and celebrate the strength in student work and plan how they can advance their thinking along the learning continuum.

Copy of Student Share Out Slide Template Module #4


Overview of Learning Activities


Activity 1:   Reflect through student work analysis and showcase student artifacts on a slide deck (use Template slides for Module 4)  to share out their learning

Activity 2: Reflect through the  Equity-centered Transformative Technology Lesson Analysis Tool. Students will apply principles from the Equity-centered Transformative Technology Lesson Analysis Tool 

Activity 3: Reflect through telling a story of celebration of student work

  1. Students will design slides showcasing student work and annotate the strengths seen in their thinking
  2. Students will use the reflective tool to create a narrative for their Lesson Story on Flipgrid


If you would like Teachers to view a few example of the Lesson Share Outs- 

Click here for a third grade example

Click here for a fifth grade example