In these modules, teachers will learn how design, plan instruction and assess using a technology integrated mathematics lesson that are grounded in equity centered practices and asset-oriented instruction.

One of the key instructional tools is the Equity-centered Transformative Technology (EQTtech) Lesson Analysis Tool. The tool builds on the seminal work on technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge (TPACK, Koehler et al., 2011; Mishra et al., 2006) and considers how technology can support equitable teaching practices (NCTM, 2019; Aguirre et al., 2013).  The goal of the tool is to develop teachers’ awareness and action to bring equity to the forefront in the use of technology in the mathematics classroom.

We included the term Transformative in our tool to lean in to the idea of Transformative Potential (Jemal 2017) which is defined as levels of consciousness and action that produce the potential to transform contextual factors and relationships perpetuating inequitable conditions and that are necessary for change (Jemal, 2017a).

The goal of the project is to develop teachers’ awareness and action to bring equity to the forefront in the use of technology in the mathematics classroom.



Below is our research based dimensions and Equity-centered Transformative Technology (EQTTech) Lesson Analysis Tool